A potential DMCA clause for SheNewz.com is as follows:
SheNewz.com respects other people’s intellectual property rights and requests the same courtesy from its users. In a timely manner, we will react to legitimate DMCA takedown requests and remove illegal content.
Send a documented DMCA takedown notification to our designated agent if you think that your copyrighted work has been posted on SheNewz.com without your permission. The following details must be included in the notice:
Identification of the allegedly infringing copyrighted work;
the location on SheNewz.com and identification of the allegedly infringing material;
Your name, address, phone number, and email address, along with other contact information;
a declaration that you really believe the use of the content is prohibited by the law, the copyright owner, or their representative;
An affirmation that the information above is true and that you are the copyright owner or have permission to act on their behalf, made under penalty of perjury.
The designated agent for DMCA notices for SheNewz.com is:
Name: Shakti
Email Us: shenewzcom@gmail.com
As soon as we receive a legitimate DMCA notice, we will immediately take down the infringing content from SheNewz.com and let the user who submitted it know. If the user feels their material was removed inadvertently, we will also give them a copy of the DMCA notification and advice on how to submit a counter-notice.
We reserve the right to delete a user’s account and bar them from publishing any more content on SheNewz.com if they frequently submit infringing material.
SheNewz.com DMCA policy is intended to safeguard others’ intellectual property rights and uphold DMCA compliance.